Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Fog Man [A Poem]

Dark chilly night
the fog rolls in
and with it comes another...
you can't see him,
you can't smell him,
all you hear is crackly laughter
as soft as the dewdrops
collecting on your skin.
So hush hush...
Don't make a sound my child
for the fog man has come
and is waiting for you.
His red eyes watch
like twinkling stars
and long fingers snatch
at unwary passersby
who are never seen again.
So pray for the light, sweet child
and pray this fog will roll away
for us to live another day.

Spirit's Unrest [A Poem]

Gliding through the air
sunken cheeks, lifeless
sunken eyes, unseeing
she floats through a world of night
lost and numb
an echo of what used to be
searching for a sign of her heart's desire
drifting listless and unsettled
trying to find peace for her unrest.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wolf [A Poem]

A full moon rises
I feel the beast stir within
a primal growl escapes my lips
oh god
please not now
not like this
stop this accursed moon from shining
stop me from changing
don't let my little one see me like this
so run
run away
to the woods
to the cave
lock me up tight
with chains and manacles
don't let this beast destroy what I love
keep me locked away
until the mornings light
brings me home to them again.